Thursday, July 22, 2010

My House

Okay, not really a drug lord house, but still pretty sweet. I've got five full time roommates and two part time (the significant others of roommates). Paraguayans don't believe in carpet so the tile floors make the place pretty chilly right now, but helps it stay a little cooler when the summer months roll around*. It supposedly gets very hot and humid in the summer, but I guess the pool will help with that.... The last picture is of my room. A bit spartan at the moment, but I'll make it more homey as time goes on.

*For those of you playing the home game, winter and summer are reversed because it's the southern hemisphere. 10 points if you remembered that fact when you read that sentence.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Old School

So my classroom is starting to vaguely resemble a classroom and I'm getting my stuff in order for the start of the year (which is in a couple of weeks). I have to say that this campus is a combination of very awesome and very old-school. My classroom looks very old fashioned, especially with the desks...but then you notice the 42' flatscreen LCD projector system. I love the fact that the "hallways" in my school are outdoors, though we'll see how much I love that when it rains heavily.

I've included a few pictures below with probably more to follow.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Hello everybody!

This is me caving into the need for a convenient place to put my photos and save any thoughts I have about my time in Paraguay. Odd's are that I will not use this as much as I intend to so don't feel you have to check back every day, but it could turn out to be useful.

Right now I'm in Paraguay, meeting people, getting a feel for the city of Asuncion and just in general getting settled. I haven't taken that many photos yet, but I'll give you the house tour one of these days (the light hasn't been right for pictures yet).