So I have been informed by many a person that I am updating my blog far too infrequently. I warned you this would happen. I said that I may try to use it, but don't count on profound and frequent updates. But would you listen? No! Now in order to satisfy you jackals, I have to come up with something of interest to post.
I guess this is a good a time as any to post about some adaptations I'm having to make. Grocery shopping is one of the big ones. I have to say that without the help of my roommates, I may not have lived long enough to start school, because I would have starved. The worst part is not the names of products, but rather the completely haphazard layout of many of the stores. The grocery store closest to my house has no less than 10 different places in the store that they keep juice. Why on earth do you need 10 different places for juice? Is this an impulse buy down here, much like trashy magazines and candy are in the States? I think it might be just the store I go to, as I'm pretty sure that I remember the higher end grocery store I went to last week being a bit better organized.
The benefit of all of this is it truly does give me perspective regarding the experience of people who are non-native speakers of a language. I'm sure people here think I'm the biggest idiot in the world and I should just learn to speak some goddamn Spanish.
I try to have a picture with every post, but there's no logical picture to go with this I'm just going to put up a picture of a gecko. It's my blog, I can do what I want.